Saturday, October 29, 2011


MY PERSONAL MOMMY GUIDE,,,,,,,,,,,,NO WIRE HANGERS................LOVE IT..............

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

looking up............

well i have to say good things are beginning to look up for jasmine....yes she is my oldest...and my first and only daughter...and i want to say good things about her too...i know i have gone off on her...but i wanted to out my frustrations and the bullshit that happen to us...i give her the credit that she is now realizing..a connection of what she was done..or has done or was done to her or what was done to me..or what i done..or who done what to me as i grew..........she has come to the conculsion to get her daughters help for anxiety...thats a good thing...and she is getting her counseling done for her..and thats a good thing...when i think back...i was 32 when i realize my bullshit that was done to me(and got help for me)...and realize some issues with my two oldest children...but my 30..good job jaz...thats a good thing too....

so i might of went beyond and then some on how my daughter ....but...i blogged let others know your not alone...but this is my life experiences...i still and always will love my daughter....and thank god i have only one....for me to come from a family of 5 way in hell would i have that amount of kids in life and they were all baby is and was a handful...and im glad theres my two boys...thats .....well...

love u jaz...keep going mama...u can do mommy

Saturday, October 22, 2011