Thursday, October 21, 2010

being a parent....

so they locked her up....i didnt show on the first court appearance...i was told by lakeland police ...let her sit you know u do this tough love crap..hoping it would when i did go to the court date...she plead guitly...and they got her in some type of program to this temp youth home...before they would get her a bed in this girls home in st. pete...while she was waiting...this court date...i remember i wasnt feeling good had a bad earache...the lawyer...a domestic voilence advocate...and guardian how she was saying im sorry mommy...she hangin on i was in pain with the ear ache..she dropped to the ground...and i walked away never looking back...that was the hardest thing i ever walk away...and cryed all the way out to the car....they saw that i really loved her..but i was hurt and done...(omg im cryin right now writing this...)she went to this youth home...i did make visits with her...sometimes i had to do therapy with her...but i was mad...angry...hurt what ever feelings i had...we never got along..when it came to her making the decisions she made...up to this she got to the girls home in st til you here this part of the story....

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