Sunday, December 12, 2010

any reflection on my daughter..............

do you know that this child was in girl scouts....the whole thing...cookie, camping and even me being a asst. leader for a minute....being a mom as i was and ernesto was a could i have been a mother to her as i beat the shit out of her....wherei lived and my friends around knew i didnt do that....i mean i was a single mom...i distilled the girls scouts on her...i went to her school functions gave her birthday cakes from publics every birthday...gave her roses once for her birthday....come on...what the helll did i ever do to disserve what she did to me....all this mental and emtional and pyshical settin you straight little girl..i dont care if some damn judge ..fostercare....dcf and or guradidan litem read letting other moms who been thru hell with there not were a girl scout..............come is jaz me pinnin her pin...the other is a trip to orlando.....

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