Thursday, December 16, 2010


as jasmine was living with was where she had to end up...cuz she had two i said she took care of passion a lyr old and  keke at 9 months...she did take care of them as infants really good...that i will give her credit for it...but as they got older...she would spank them...while living with me..some girl name tish lived with us...and let this happen...and then i kicked the bitch out....wasnt paying to stay there she had to go...i really didnt like the thing...jaz took over my house...she let the girls eat anywhere...when jaz cooked....she cooked on high heat..she apparently tryed to keep house clean..she would always rearranged the house..near passion first birthday....we had a party for laylay..and jaz doesnt know this but she hurt my friend pats feelings..about the gift she gave to laylay...laylay and pat have the same birthday...but pat knew jaz was slick...on and off jaz always had visitors at my house..including when she needed her pot....sometimes i guess she bought it or her friends would or who knows how she got it..when i knew she had no money..and i let her smoke pot..outside of my house...and jaz would drink here beers..or when karessa came over it was beer or harder liquer...outside of  my house....i let this happen...she use to yell at me or cuss at me...told her 1000 times to lower the music...i mean i was trying to be low key for my house ...but i let her do what the hell she wanted...why im i covering for her....when the kids got spanked...for the littleiest thing keke was the blunt of it..she was hit the most...keke reminded jasmine of this talking 1,2,3, she calling the grandbabies ..bitches . hoes, niggers.....doing this to them as she scolded them or when they got into something....many times i was in my room...coming home from work and go straight to my room and shut the door..i mean had my pc and my tv didnt need anything else...gunny would be in the room with willie was laying on the bed sleeping and waiting to go to work...i would hear when she hit the kids....with the  door shut and i could her it that loud....i didnt stop it....and i was working with kids at my church and i took a child abuse class and i let her hit the kids in my house and i didnt stop it......this breaks my heart as i write this...that i didnt save them....sometimes the girls would come into my room crying and needed that assurance of safety...and she would tell the girls to get out of my room......
yes there were happy times in the house when she was there...but there were more bad times then any...when  friends came over to my house and it was like i wanted to take back my house...and i tryed..she would litterally cuss at me and yell at me in front of her time i told her i would slap her ass and she told me out frankly i  will lay you on the ground bitch...fuck u up....cont..................

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