Saturday, January 29, 2011

there was good times.......

as i sit here and blog about my kid.......the laughs we had...the birthday parties for the granddaughters... the time i had to go to mississippi twice to get the girls....the concerns  i had for keke and laylay...the plan that they would be in the afterschool program at the church..where gunny's been going since kindergarden...the plan that they were with me for a minute...when she was pregant with melly.....the many times that jaz said im sorry mommy to me a million times.  and i let her in my home, my life...with the havic bullshit....she gave me....the times she would stick up for me...tellin people u dont treat my mama like that....thou she was the one who disrespected me and yell at me and cuss at me....the times i took her to work...few and far betweeen jobs she had....running her all over lakeland to her friends houses......the times when it was just her an me when we went out to lunch....she knew how to rake me over with her con ness of buying her cigs or black and milds....cancer sticks....or mommy i will pay you back....when i get that happen.. ususally all she would do would get me a coke and that was payment...but.....i sit here and i had no money and i supported her with her kids ....on an off ...including when i kicked her out of my that life change in aug of 2009 to the present....its no longer of the good times... its heart wrenching and i living with out my grandbabies knowing she will make sure i never see them again........i dont like this all........

her $2 apartment..........

i let her have the iron bunkbed for the girls and she had a matress for her apartment... she had a tv and dresser and all there toys.....she moved in april of 2008.. there were times i liked going over there...either becuz she needed to go to the store of food..and spending the day with me...or me havin the girls for a minute...and i would drop her off...and i use to love saying goodbye to the babies....her down fall was sometimes she was selling her foodstamps to get beer and cigs.. in place of food...(leftover food stamps)i  could remember when i would knock on the door...and he aint answered it..once or twice the girls would answer the door and she out on the bed.........i can wonder what she was doing...livin in the projects...she was in her element.....literally....fatboy the girls father lived with me for a minute...and i told him he had to he ended up with jaz...3days and all hell broke loose.....he comes home from work that day....and the key is in the door....thats he sees the girls on the couch watching cartoons....she was drunk and  pass out in her bed....he asked her why the key in the door..i was concern for the safety of his kids... somehow he and her were fighting and he choked her and she hit him with a baseball he makes a report and gets arrested for viloation of probation and she turns herself in and told me to come and pick up the girls at melissa house and i did and i was yelling at her..why were the keys in the door ...and the girls  not being watch....she had no answer for this.....and its like doesnt she know just what happen....

if i had to think what really happen was she was letting this quentin gant come over and they partied and drank and screwing..while the girls are on the couch on attended...........for the key incident.....

so they were in jail.....i always told jasmine to protect herself when a man hits you....i wasnt there for that moment and til she came over to the house and told me what happen... but see....all the guys she went out with hit her..............HELLO,,,THEY HIT YOU we got a restarining order against fatboy while he was still in jail.............she was living at nicki house and i had the girls living with me...i let the apartement go..cuz the judge requested...jaz was pissed...i was following that was asked....i picked her up from nicki and i notice a pudge on her.....i thought i my god she is pregant....talking about disappointed cant take care of the two u got and your pregant....well down the line when i got the news he was a boy that  went grandson......more in a minute..........

Saturday, January 8, 2011

i thought

something i may repeat a thing or two.,...but when i let this story bascially letting you all know and that im going to put her straight....if thats the last thing i do......

Thursday, January 6, 2011

we were still at ariana street...

i live.d there for 6years and in between all that....see i moved in2002 so she lived with me on and off from 2004/2008...twice going to mississippi to pick her up.. but alll the bs what was going on....the druggies coming in an out of my drive way her friends coming and going...and one would come over just for them to drink and listen to the many times i told them to turn that radio down...and the sometimes the girls were up...and they are watching there mother drinking ...what kind of parenting is house was always a mess...the kitchen destroyed the carpet in the living room was on livable....but as she lived with me on and off during these years....she finally got government housing across town...paying 2 dollar rent....and i paid 6months inadvance for her and the deposit.....details on this adventure next...................