Thursday, January 6, 2011

we were still at ariana street...

i live.d there for 6years and in between all that....see i moved in2002 so she lived with me on and off from 2004/2008...twice going to mississippi to pick her up.. but alll the bs what was going on....the druggies coming in an out of my drive way her friends coming and going...and one would come over just for them to drink and listen to the many times i told them to turn that radio down...and the sometimes the girls were up...and they are watching there mother drinking ...what kind of parenting is house was always a mess...the kitchen destroyed the carpet in the living room was on livable....but as she lived with me on and off during these years....she finally got government housing across town...paying 2 dollar rent....and i paid 6months inadvance for her and the deposit.....details on this adventure next...................

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