Monday, September 6, 2010


by now jasmine is 10/11 and still everything is going as plan...taking care of my children..nothing major...the time was to move into a three bedroom apt in the projects...cuz i had one boy one jaz is starting middle school..and we hit the age of 13....this is where it all starts...knowing i had to live in the projects for a minute...(88/95)i mean i wasnt going to live out on the that where home some of the girls in this neighborhood and they all went to the same middle school...jasmine was before i start this...just know i had few friends that knew me and know about me...and the areas where i lived in life thru out lakeland know that i was taking care of my children...(needless to say...jasmine has a version she sticking too and im here to let you know that the last 14 years is the truth....(13/28yrs of age)..............

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