Saturday, September 11, 2010

so.......... this point and time..13 years old....and she is running the streets...disrespecting me...yelling and cussing me when ever she had a chance...and she and jeanette running the streets...jaz would run in different neigborhoods...maybe a couple of the she was doing this...jaz would leave my house 3/5 days at a time...and i would make the child missing report with the police...we did this a million times..and each time when she came home i had to call the police and let them know she was home...i had to do this because jaz at six different times called dcf and tell them i hit her...cuz when in middle school at the time early 90's the told the kids if mommy and daddy hit you call on did...each time i had dcf knocking on my door..i would be so defensive with them...i would tell them...u dont feed her...clothed her dont housed her...i do...if i spanked the girl...i did it when ever a situation arised...but most of the time..i would have to catch slap her...i was prego with what was i to do..i just stop chasing her...and i let her talked to me anyway...cussing and such..her friends were doing that to there own she just followed...and covered my ass with dcf when i made those child missing reports....i could remember officer mark in our projects...pissed off with me...everytime i made a child missing report on her...he hated me..when dcf came out at the 6th time...reporting on me i hit her...the dcf agent finally saw that jasmine was the problem....i almost put her in a home...but...dang it...she got her period...and mom mode kicked i took care of my child....and she continued to disrespect me and cuss me...and i let it happen...

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